About National Voter Registration Day

What is it?

National Voter Registration Day is the nation’s biggest nonpartisan civic holiday, and is devoted to getting every eligible American registered and #VoteReady. Nonprofit VOTE is the managing partner of this highly-collaborative holiday and its many stakeholders.

Organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies to local food banks and public libraries join forces for a one-day, nationwide democracy blitz to create broad awareness of voter registration opportunities as well as holding in-person (and virtual) events to ensure every eligible person is #VoteReady.

Equipped with a coordinated messaging presence in social and traditional media, the latest in civic outreach strategies, and invaluable grassroots relationships in communities across the country, the many partner organizations under the National Voter Registration Day banner form an unmatched coalition for closing the voter participation gaps in our democracy.

Since its inception in 2012, National Voter Registration Day has helped register over 6 million Americans!

How does it work?

We encourage interested organizations of ALL stripes and sizes, such as nonprofits, libraries, companies, college and youth groups, co-ops, election offices and MORE to sign up for updates ahead of this year’s holiday.

Signing up is free, easy, and immediately puts your organization among the ranks of current and past partners like the NBA, EveryLibrary, Snapchat, League of Women Voters, Google, and other major names and brands that have all stepped up for the cause of democracy.

From there, you’ll be provided with comprehensive toolkits for organizing events, recruiting volunteers, sample emails, press releases, and social media assets you can use to promote events through your own communications channels. You’ll also receive free National Voter Registration Day posters and stickers to help you spread the word in style.

As a non-partisan event celebrated by election officials across the aisle and across the country, National Voter Registration Day is endorsed by the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), and the National Association of Election Officials (Election Center).