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National Voter Education Week
5 Weeks from Election Day
Nonprofit VOTE is a founding partner for National Voter Education Week! National Voter Education Week (NVEW) is a campaign that equips voters with the tools, information, and confidence they need to cast their ballots this Fall. NVEW is a week-long digital campaign with a different theme for each day.
If you want to participate in the week, you can view shareables here. Making sure potential voters have the information they need to register and vote can increase turnout –, especially with more voters casting a ballot from home for the first time.
We not only encourage you to read and copy the information from the templates, we are asking you to do it! You can give us credit by tagging us in social media posts on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Email or Letter
Dear [Name of Receiver],
It’s National Voter Education Week! We’re five weeks out from the election which means it’s the perfect time to make sure you and your friends and family are ready to vote by November 8. Get #VoteReady today by:
- Checking what’s on your ballot
- Signing up for a mail-in ballot or make sure you have a plan to vote
- Consider signing up as a poll worker
- Share information with your community using these handy shareables
We know our democracy is stronger when everyone who can, makes their voice heard by casting a ballot. Can’t vote? No problem! Sharing valuable information with members of your community who can is just as important.
[Organization Signature]
Hi, I’m [name] with [name of organization]. This week’s National Voter Education Week! Get yourself and your friends #VoteReady by visiting votereducationweek.org/content
Video Chat
Thank you for attending our [Name of event]. We at [your organization]. This week’s National Voter Education Week! Get yourself and your friends #VoteReady by visiting votereducationweek.org/content
Additional Resources
Get involved in all of National Voter Education Week if you can! As a national event, it’s a great way to get your information amplified and shared more broadly. Don’t forget to take advantage of their shareable content to get more attention in your emails and on social media
Find resources that better address the needs of specific demographics in our very own resource library.
Sample Social Media
Check out National Voter Education Week’s shareable content below!