Thanks to all who were able to attend our February 14 webinar “Fundraising for Your Census 2020 Work.”

Special thanks to Debbie McKeon from Council of Michigan Foundations and Jay Young from Common Cause for sharing their data and insights. This year is already off to a good start and we’ve got LOTS more planned for this year! Read about our plans here.

Webinar Materials:

Please feel free to watch the webinar on Nonprofit VOTE’s YouTube channel.

Next Webinar
Now that you know how to get the funds you need, now it’s time to start planning for your Census 2020 work. Need some help? RSVP now for the Thursday (February 21) “Planning Your Get Out the Count” webinar right here.

And, for any questions please contact Education Director, Caitlin Donnelly at  [email protected]

Additional Resources: